Because the Bernedoodle is a combination of two different breeds, the puppies will be a combination of personality traits from each parent breed. For the most part however, Bernedoodles are playful and affectionate, they do well with children and they love to spend time with their families.
Bernedoodles come in many different colors. Many Bernedoodles are all-black or some combination of black-and-white or black-and-brown. It is also possible for Bernedoodles to be tricolor. Just as Bernedoodles come in different colors according to breeding, they also have different types of coats.
Most Bernedoodles have long, wavy coats that shed minimally. They are great for allergy sufferers. Straight-coated Bernedoodles are less common and they tend to shed more than wavy- or curly-coated Bernedoodles.

The Whoodle is a cross between the Soft coated Wheaten Terrier and a Poodle. Both of the breeds are hypoallergenic so they are the best for those that have severe allergies and asthma. They are great with children and all animals. They are amazing family dogs. They enjoy being social they love everyone!! They can also be great therapy dogs.

The Goldendoodle is a medium cross breed known for being affectionate, alert, cheerful, courageous, energetic, friendly, intelligent, loyal, playful, quiet, responsive, and social. Our goldendoodles are perfect family dogs!! Our Goldendoodles are the easiest to train. They love being outdoors and swimming.